Sunday, April 13, 2008

I don't understand teenagers...

and this time I'm not talking about my own (LOL). I found out that teenagers are going into the cemetery where Jeff is buried and destroying the equipment they are using to help make some repairs. Fortunately, they haven't touched the headstones, but do they have ANY idea what it does to someone to know how close they are to having their loved ones resting place vandalized? My kids were so upset to hear about this and we had to run right over and double check that all was okay. It's disturbing, but I'm glad all was okay.

Today, I also want to give a huge THANK YOU to all of you who raise money for any cause. Most importantly, I want to give a shout out to my sister-in-law Kelly (Jeff's brother's wife) who has worked so hard in a small town in Pennsylvania -- Kane -- to raise so much money for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life after Jeff died. She said she won't stop, especially since she's known more people since Jeff died who have had cancer, have cancer or who have died of cancer. She's sick of hearing that word and so am I.

Please help out someone who is walking/running the Relay for Life this year or join and conduct your own fundraiser. It's an amazing experience. Tough for those of us who lost our loved ones to cancer, but still an amazing experience.

If you'd like to tell me your story about your loved one who died of cancer, I'd like to hear it.

Until next time,

You may be young but you're not alone.


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